5-Minutes project: Chicago through Google Maps using SnazzyMaps
Error: The map ID (1) does not exist
Is it possible to do a project in minutes? It’s possible.
With style, color and be visually attractive and even cute? Yes.
This is the step by step to make a simple maps’s project, using Google Maps, adding a theme from SnazzyMaps for color and style, and integrating it into WordPress.
This SnazzyMaps plugin does not add a Google Map to your page. It simply adds styles to any existing maps that you
already have on your site.
- Download the Google Maps plugin for WordPress
- Download the SnazzyMaps plugin for WordPress
- Activate the Google Maps plugin: add the Google API Key into the WordPress plugin to complete the activation.
- Modify the first example provided by Google Maps plugin. Each maps could be called using a small piece of code that can be pasted into any post in order to insert the map.
- Create a post and paste the code, in order to verify that the map is created.
- Activate the SnazzyMaps plugin. Choose a template and enable it.
- When we go back to the post where our Google Maps map is included, we will see that the style of the maps has changed.