5-Minutes project: Chicago through Google Maps using SnazzyMaps

Error: The map ID (1) does not exist


Is it possible to do a project in minutes? It’s possible.

With style, color and be visually attractive and even cute? Yes.


This is the step by step to make a simple maps’s project, using Google Maps, adding a theme from SnazzyMaps for color and style, and integrating it into WordPress.

This SnazzyMaps plugin does not add a Google Map to your page. It simply adds styles to any existing maps that you
already have on your site.


  1. Download the Google Maps plugin for WordPress
  2. Download the SnazzyMaps plugin for WordPress
  3. Activate the Google Maps plugin: add the Google API Key into the WordPress plugin to complete the activation.
  4. Modify the first example provided by Google Maps plugin. Each maps could be called using a small piece of code that can be pasted into any post in order to insert the map.
  5. Create a post and paste the code, in order to verify that the map is created.
  6. Activate the SnazzyMaps plugin. Choose a template and enable it.
  7. When we go back to the post where our Google Maps map is included, we will see that the style of the maps has changed.